@thesis{thesis, author={LISA AGUSTINA}, title ={PENGARUH MODAL KERJA, TENAGA KERJA DAN JARAK TEMPUH MELAUT TERHADAP PENDAPATAN NELAYAN DI DESA BAJOMULYO KECAMATAN JUWANA KABUPATEN PATI}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/842/}, abstract={Lisa Agustina (51145511 K), 2018,” The Influence of Working Capital, Manpower and Distance OF Going To Sea to Fisherman’s Income in Bajomulyo Village Juwana Subdistrict Pati Regency ". Minithesis, Port and Shipping Department, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Semarang. Advisor I: Dr.Capt.Suwiyadi, M.Pd., M.Mar. Advisor II: Agus Hendro Waskito, M.M., M.Mar.E. Fishery resources is should be potential can be to improve the standard of living and the properity of the fisherman.But in reality, still many of fisher who can’t take the benefit prosperity of fisher. Fisher prosperity fixed by result of catching fixed by income and this many income for family requirement. This goals research for knowing how much the influence by working capital, manpower, distance of going to sea for income by fisher in Bajomulyo village, Juwana Subdistrict, Pati Regency. Using quantitative descriptive method, source of data using by observation, interview, questioner and documentation. Total population from this research is 395 persons with taking of sample 15% from total population 60 respondences. Using management data test with instrument test, result asumtion test and hipotesis test with data analisis using linier analisation double with software SPSS 16.0 for windows. This result of this research face that partialy variable working capital (X1), influence significally and positively with income 54% and manpower (X2) nothing give influence significally and negatively for fisher income 0,027% and then distance of going to sea (X3) give influence significally and positively with fisher income 51,7%. Using simultan show that working capital (X1), manpower (X2) and distance of going to sea (X3) give influence significally with fisher income (Y) in Bajomulyo Village, Juwana Subdistrict, Pati Regency 53,7% and residu 46,7% influence by another factor. Keywords: Fisherman’s income in Bajomulyo Village, Working Capital, Manpower, Distance of Going to Sea} }