@thesis{thesis, author={ADHI MULYA PUTRA BARUNA}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PROSEDUR PERAWATAN SEKOCI PENOLONG GUNA MENUNJANG KESELAMATAN JIWA DI LAUT PADA MV. BARA ANUGERAH}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/883/}, abstract={Adhi Mulya Putra Baruna, 5145109 N, 2018, “Perawatan Sekoci Penolong Guna Menunjang Keselamatan Jiwa di Laut pada MV. Bara Anugerah ” Pembimbing I : Yustina Sapan S.ST., M.M Pembimbing II : Capt. Firdaus Sitepu S.ST., M.Si., M.Mar Lifeboat is one of equipment on boat, which is use for abandon the vessel that have emergency condition and it is imposible to safe or survive on vessel, that it is usefull for safety of life on vessel. For prepare lifeboat always ready for use that needed treatment which is inline with SOLAS chapter III that discuss about equipment standart for safety on vessel including lifeboat. before carrying out maintenance of lifeboats there must be known so that it can care planning section of the lifeboat to get immediate handling, thus third officer can work effectively and efficiently. In addition it should be noted the standardization of equipment and part a lifeboat sent by the company with the request list is it according to what yet. so that the attainment of a State of a lifeboat which is always ready to be used in case of emergencies that may require abandon the vessel. the methods used in this research is a method of qualitative analysis of fishbone and diskriptif that generates the data in the form of the written word of the object examined, analysis is defined as activity undertaken to amend the data results from a research into information that used to take the conclusion. the purpose of the data analysis is to describe a data so that it can be understood. After be discovered the cause of function and lack of maintenance of lifeboat, so the writer give some suggest for lifeboat if lifeboat is always ready to use for training or emergency condition so that third officer must responsible about planning and maintenance of lifeboat. the importance of planning for maintenance before to treatment in order to know what to do and what is needed to do the work, thus the condition of the lifeboat can always conditioned are always ready for use. Key Words : Life Boat, Safety on board} }