@thesis{thesis, author={MITHA RAHMANIA PRATIWI}, title ={IDENTIFIKASI PENANGANAN MUATAN LPG MENGGUNAKAN RELIQUEFIED SYSTEM DI KAPAL MT. GAS WIDURI}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/887/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Mitha Rahmania Pratiwi, 2018, 5145127.N, “Identification cargo handling of LPG utilized reliquefied system on MT. Gas Widuri”, thesis Nautical Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Supervisor I: Dr. Capt. M Suwiyadi, S. Pd., M.Pd., M.Mar. Supervisor II: Sri Murdiwati, S. Sos, M.Si. As one source of reliable foreign exchange the result is export oil and natural gas. Thus, smooth the implementation of the discharge operation can affect productivity ships in function as a means of transport. Therefore author’s want to know how to identification cargo handling of LPG, and find solutions of obstacles occurs. The methodology which I used in my observation is qualitative and descriptive method. With the data analysis are fishbone and fault tree, to determine the cause of the problems and find solutions. In this research terms of collecting data, through observation, interview, and documentation of researchers above a ship during the period on january 2018 until july 2018. Then were analysed into a discovery that should be given the solution of the problem and became a research observation can be useful for those who read it. The research results show: traits and characteristics of LPG contain, knowing how the way to identification cargo handling use reliquefied system, knows all that must be considered during their work above the ship with LPG cargo, knowing how the way to handling this cargo contain so well, the obstacle that find during, and efforts must be done good between teminals and ships or ships and mother ship . In the end of the research, the author conclusions and suggestions that can be used as a reference in the handling of the LPG cargo. Advice of the author is improving the awareness of the self for the entire crew a vessel that figure out the characteristics of the cargo and their environment work is important. So that events on a voyage and the cargo operations of a ship are going good condition and the obstacles occurs can try to get it repaired. Keyword: Identification cargo handling of LPG} }