@thesis{thesis, author={AHSANU SAIFUDIN}, title ={BONGKAR MUAT BATUBARA DARI TONGKANG KE MV. GLOVIS DAYLIGHT DI MUARA BERAU ANCHORAGE SAMARINDA}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/894/}, abstract={Ahsanu Saifudin, 51145172.N, Stevedoring Coal from Barges to MV. Glovis Daylight at Muara Berau anchorage Samarinda. Advisor : (1) Capt. Eko Murdiyanto. M.Pd. M.Mar (2) H. Suwondo. MM, M.Mar.E To support the smoothness of stevedoring from ships to ships, it is necessary to prepare the ship itself in carrying out stevedoring activities so that this process will run well and according to plan. But in its implementations, delays of stevedoring often occur, so it will take a long time. On that basis, the researcher formulates the problem of what causes the stevedoring process and the factors that influence it. In this minithesis, the researcher describes the theory of the delay in stevedoring coal from barges to MV. Daylight is used in making research reports and as a basis for solving problems in the research process. the method used is descriptive method and qualitative method. By observing, interviewing and analyzing the technical data using fishbone analysis and FTA methods. Based on the results of research conducted by the researcher during the practice of sailing in the MV. Glovis Daylight regarding delays in stevedoring coal from barges to MV. Glvis Daylight in Muara Berau Anchorage Samarinda was found to have problems including the lack of stevedoring equipment, the occurrence of equipment damage, delays in the arrival of barges, local weather conditions, and the level of discipline of the ship crew. Due to the above problems, stevedoring of coal has been delayed. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the implementation of stevedoring MV. Glovis Daylight is still often experiencing problems, especially during the stevedoring process, which is due to the factors of stevedoring equipment, the arrival of barges, and the level of discipline of the ship's crew in carrying out the work. The researcher's suggestion is that the company should also play a role and pay more attention to infrastructure facilities in the stevedoring process, in this case the infrastructure prevents delays in stevedoring, by increasing number of ship unloaders by paying attention to the number of ships that load in Muara Berau Anchorage, and preferably socialization or safety meetings before and after so that, the crew has adequate knowledge. Keywords: Delay, and Stevedoring} }