@thesis{thesis, author={DESVIANA ISA ROBBANI}, title ={ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN LATIHAN PEMADAMAN KEBAKARAN DI MV.KT 02}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/938/}, abstract={Desviana Isa Robbani, 2018, NIT : 51145145 N, ?Analysis of Fire Fighting Drills in MV. KT 02?, the Supervisor I : Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar, the Supervisor II : Henny Wahyu W. M.Pd Crew skill and abilities in order to face emergency situation is an important on board, because it is closely related to the safety of life, property and things. Emergency situation drill that will be discussed by researchers is during fire drill. Due to the fact the field shows the skills and abilities of crew when do the fire drill and the use of fire fighting appliances is still lacking. On this paper, the researcher uses qualitative descriptive method to describe how the ship's crew preparation and ability during fire drill and using related equipment on board. Method of data analysis, the researcher uses fishbone analysis method where the method is used to describe the constraints faced when implementing the fire drill, such as constraints due to human factors, tools, procedures and weather. Furthermore, continued with data analysis using USG technique (Urgency, seriousness, growth), where researchers get the main obstacle when the crew do fire drill on the ship that is from human factor. In accordance with the analysis in question, it can be concluded that the main obstacle during the implementation of emergency training is from the human resources factor on board. These factors are broken down into three parts, there are a new inexperienced crew on board, crew knowledge about safety equipment is lacking and the seriousness of the crew during emergency situation drill. With problem solving and crew skill improvement efforts, it is expected that the crews onboard are capable to use the safety equipments in real emergency situation. Keywords : Fire fighting, procedures, skills} }