@thesis{thesis, author={EGA NOVIANDRA}, title ={ANALISIS TERJADINYA KEBAKARAN DALAM PROSES DRY DOCK KAPAL MT. SANGA SANGA DI WARUNA NUSA SENTANA DOCKYARD}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/961/}, abstract={Ega Noviandra, 2018, NIT: 50134872.N, ?Analysis for Fire in Process Dry Dock at MT. Sanga Sanga on Waruna Nusa Sentana Dock Yard?, thesis of Nautical Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Counselor I: Capt. I Kadek Laju, SH, MM, M.Mar, Counselor II: Dr. Eko Nugroho W, M.M, M.Mar.E Main objective in dry dock process are for repairing and maintaining the vessel to keep the vessel optimal in its operation. In dry dock process, it has so many risk of accident. One of them is fire and in dry dock process resulted in not optimal. Fire is a reaction between three elements that are heat, material, and oxygen. The writer will learn the cause of the fire when dry dock and find the problem solving prevent fires from occurring and any action in firefighting itself. In seeking factors that triggered fire also preventing it based on observation conducted, writer use fishbone data analysis and fault tree analysis to find efficient and right action against fire. Experiment results shows that trigger factor use the existence of ratings that lack of awareness of their own safety within working area, many equipment bellow virtue standard, also lack of awareness when working. The way out to protect with give punishment for crew whose not discipline in work and control when dry dock process. While for the way out to face the fire by identification type of fire, use the correct extinguisher and isolate the fire area from the efforts of handle the fire, we hope can minimalize fire accident when dry dock process and optimize the process on ship yard. Keyword: Analysis fire, dry dock} }