@thesis{thesis, author={Elmayanti Aristyana}, title ={Hubungan Tingkat Kepatuhan Minum Obat Antiretroviral (ARV) Dengan Kualitas Hidup ODHA di Yayasan Cahaya Kasih Peduli Turen}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.poltekkes-soepraoen.ac.id/163/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan penyakit menular seksual yang membutuhkan pengobatan Antiretroviral (ARV) seumur hidup sehingga dibutuhkan kepatuhan tinggi yang dapat menghambat penurunan CD4 sehingga ODHA dapat mempertahankan kualitas hidupnya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kepatuhan minum obat Antiretroviral (ARV) dengan kualitas hidup ODHA di Yayasan Cahaya Kasih Peduli Turen. Desain penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dengan populasi 42 ODHA. Sampling yang digunakan Accidental Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 25 responden. Variabel yang diteliti adalah tingkat kepatuhan minum obat Antiretroviral (ARV) dan kualitas hidup ODHA. Data diambil dengan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan uji somer’s.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 25 responden hampir setengahnya 11 responden (44%) memiliki tingkat kepatuhan sedang dan sebagian besar ODHA memiliki kualitas hidup baik sejumlah 17 responden (68%). Hasil uji statistic somer’s diperoleh hasil ada hubungan antara tingkat kepatuhan minum obat Antiretroviral (ARV) dengan kualitas hidup ODHA dengan nilai koefisiensi korelasi (r= 0.637) dengan p-value= 0.000. Melihat hasil penelitian ini maka perlu adanya peningkatan kepatuhan minum obat Antiretroviral (ARV) pada ODHA yang dapat mempertahankan jumlah sel CD4 sehingga ODHA terhindar dari infeksi opportunistik dan kualitas hidup ODHA meningkat. Kata kunci : Kepatuhan minum obat, ARV, ODHA, Kualitas Hidup ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a sexually transmitted disease that requires lifelong antiretroviral (ARV) treatment so that high compliance is needed which can inhibit CD4 decline so that ODHA can maintain their quality of life. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of adherence to taking antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and the quality of life for people living with HIV in the Light of Love Care Foundation. Correlational research design with cross sectional approach. With a population of 42 ODHA. Sampling used accidental sampling with a sample of 25 respondents. The variables studied were the level of adherence to taking antiretroviral drugs and the quality of life for people living with HIV. Data was taken by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by somer's test. The results of the study showed that of the 25 respondents, almost half of them 11 respondents (44%) had moderate levels of compliance and the majority of ODHA had a good quality of life of 17 respondents (68%). The results of the statistical analysis showed that there was a correlation between the level of adherence to taking antiretroviral drugs and the quality of life of PLHIV with the value of correlation coefficient (r = 0.637) with p-value = 0.000. Seeing the results of this study, it is necessary to increase the adherence to taking antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for ODHA who can maintain the number of CD4 cells so that ODHA avoid opportunistic infections and the quality of life for ODHA increases. Keywords: Compliance with medication, ARV, ODHA, Quality of Life} }