@thesis{thesis, author={Ramadhany Rizqiya}, title ={Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Posyandu Lansia Dengan Jumlah Kunjungan Lansia Di Posyandu Kelurahan Kedung Kandang Kota Malang}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.poltekkes-soepraoen.ac.id/282/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Posyandu lansia adalah suatu pelayanan pada lanjut usia di masyarakat yang proses pembentukan organisasi social dengan menitik beratkan pelayanan kesehatan pada upaya promotif dan preventif. Namun pada kenyataannya hanya sedikit lansia yang berkunjung ke posyandu lansia untuk dipantau kesehatannya. Hal ini kemungkinan disebabkan karena rendahnya pengetahuan tentang posyandu lansia dan rendahnya kunjungan lansia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisa hubungan pengetahuan tentang posyandu lansia dengan jumlah kunjungan lansia ke posyandu. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan 1 Juni 2019.Desain penelitian menggunakan korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectonal. Tehnik sampling menggunakan accidental sampling dengan jumlah populasi 94 responden dan sampel 30 responden. Variabel yang diteliti adalah pengetahuan tentang posyandu lansia dan jumlah kunjungan lansia. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Lambda . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan kuat antara pengetahuan tentang posyandu lansia dengan jumlah kunjungan lansia lansia di posyandu lansia kelurahan Kedungkandang dengan p= 0,786 (p= <0,05). Semakin baik pengetahuan lansia, semakin rutin kunjungannya. Oleh karena itu diharapkan dapat memotivasi agar responden tetap mau melakukan kunjungan ke posyandu lansia agar kesehatan dapat terkontrol dengan baik. Kata Kunci : pengetahuan, lansia, kunjungan posyandu. ABSTRACT Elderly health service is a service for the elderly in the community that processes the formation of social organizations by focusing on health services on promotive and preventive efforts. However, in reality, only a few elderly people visited the posyandu for the elderly to monitor their health. This is probably due to the lack of knowledge about the elderly posyandu and the low visit of the elderly. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of knowledge about the elderly posyandu with the number of elderly visits to the posyandu. The study was conducted on June 1, 2019. The study design used a correlation with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a population of 94 respondents and a sample of 30 respondents. The variables studied were knowledge about the elderly posyandu and the number of elderly visits. The statistical test used Lambda. The results showed that there was a strong relationship between knowledge about the elderly posyandu with the number of elderly elderly visits at the posyandu in the elderly Kedungkandang village with p = 0.786 (p = <0.05). The better the knowledge of the elderly, the more routine the visit. Therefore it is expected to motivate the respondent to continue to visit the elderly posyandu so that health can be controlled properly. Key Words: knowledge, elderly, posyandu, elderly visits} }