@thesis{thesis, author={Sholihatun Sholihatun}, title ={AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF ENGLISH ARTICLE IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS WRITTEN BY THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NURUL IMAN PALEMBANG.[SKRIPSI]}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.radenfatah.ac.id/1021/}, abstract={English article system is a complex aspect of English grammar. It is one of the most difficult areas of acquisition for even the most advanced learners who have perfectly learned all other features of the language. They do not have good comprehension in articles, especially to distinguish the use of definite and indefinite. Definite article consists of the and indefinite article consists of a and an. The aims of this study were to know the types of errors and to know the dominant type of error on the use of English article in descriptive text. The participants of this research were the eighth grade students of SMP Nurul Iman Palembang. The source of the data consists of forty students? descriptive writing texts. The errors collected identified and classified based on the Surface Structure Taxonomy (SST) that specifies three types of errors namely omission, addition and substitution. Furthermore, the findings showed that there are three types of English article errors that occurred in student?s descriptive writing: 1) omission (49, 52%), (2) addition (30, 47%) and the last (3) substitution (20%). From the precentage, it indicated that omission was the most frequency error made by the students. It is probably caused by the first language (L1) inference. These findings can be associated with the differences in rule Indonesia and English structures. From the finding above, the writer suggests that the students study more about articles from English books to improve their ability in using articles and discuss their difficulties with the teacher to get clearer explanation.} }