@thesis{thesis, author={HUSA’ADA MIFTA}, title ={PERANAN PERPUSTAKAAN SMA PLUS NEGERI 17 PALEMBANG DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI LITERASI INFORMASI PEMUSTAKA}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.radenfatah.ac.id/10292/}, abstract={This thesis discusses the role played by the library in improving the competence of information literacy owned by the students of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang as well as the impacts obtained by students from the increased competence of information literacy. The purpose of this thesis is to find out what efforts have been done by the library in improving the competence of users information literacy, and to see the role of the library in improving the competence of users information literacy, because By knowing this then the library as a supporter of teaching and learning activities also play an active role in development and improvement of students skills, where this role is not only submitted to the school and teachers who are in the classroom. This research uses desriptive research with quantitative approach where data collection is done through observation, quesioner dissemination, interview and documentation, questionnaires distributed to subject of researchthe population of this is 376 students of class XI. As for the sample is taken as many as 38 respondents or 10% of the whole by using accidental sampling technique. The results showed that in general the role of libraries in improving the competence of user information literacy is good. As for the average score obtained from library efforts in improving the competence of literacy is 3,36 which shows a very positive value. As for the impact that students get from increasing the competence of information literacy also has reached score 3,36mean it is very positive. Keywords: school library, information literacy, the big Six skills} }