@thesis{thesis, author={MARDALENA MARDALENA}, title ={AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF ACTION VERBS ON RECOUNT WRITING MADE BY THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA NURUL AMAL PALEMBANG IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017}, year={2016}, url={http://repository.radenfatah.ac.id/10322/}, abstract={This study was carried out to analyze students? error on the use of action verbs on recount writing made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Nurul Amal Palembang. To analyze the data in this study, descriptive qualitative method was used.The sample in this study consisted of 27 students who come from XI. IPA and XI. IPS classes of the eleventh grade of SMA Nurul Amal Palembang. The data were collected through test to the students. The results of the error analysis process showed that students committed error in three types: omission, addition, and misformation. From the frequency of each error types, there are 5.06% which fell into addition errors and 8.81% which fell into omission errors. Moreover, 86.11% which fell into misformation errors. This study revealed that the most dominant errors on the use of action verbs in recount writing done by the students were in misformation (86.11%). Keywords: Action Verbs, Error Analysis, Types of Error} }