@thesis{thesis, author={SUPARN0 SUPARNO}, title ={PENGARUH PELUANG INVESTASI, KEBIJAKAN UTANG, DAN ROFITABILITAS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN DENGAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENNING. (StudiEmpirisPerusahaan SektorManufaktur Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2018)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.stei.ac.id/3091/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Studiinibertujuanmelakukananalisisdanmemberikanbuktiempirisbahwavariabelindependen peluanginvestasi, kebijakanutangdanprofitabilitas, baik parsial maupunsecarasimultanberpengaruhterhadapnilaiperusahaan. Demikian juga variabelkebijakandividenmemediasipengaruhvariabel independenterhadapnilaiperusahaan.Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankuantitatif,dengansampel 74perusahaanmanufaktur yang terdaftarpadaBursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama tahun 2015 ? 2018, denganmetode Proposif sampling. Kemudian teknikanalisis data dilakukandenganujistatistikmenggunakanregresi linier berganda. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukan variable peluanginvestasidanprofitabilitasdinyatakansignifikanberpengaruhterhadapnilaiperusahaansedangkankebijakanutangdinyatakantidakberpengaruhterhadapniolaiperusahaan. Namun nilaiperusahaansecarasimultandipengaruhiolehseluruh variabelindependen. Kebijakandividentidakmampu memediasihubunganantarapeluanginvestasidandan profitabilitasterhadapnilaiperusahaan, namun variabel kebijakandividenmampu memediasihubunganantarakebijakanutang, terhadapnilaiperusahaan.Temuaninimenarik, bahwa keberhasilan peningkatan nilai perusahaan tergantung dari kemampuan perusahaan dalam memberdayakan secara maksimal resources, dan dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan perusahaan yang sudah ditetapkan, bukan oleh faktor insentif manajer dan kebijakan utang. Kata kunci:Nilai Perusahaan, PeluangInvestasi, Kebijakan Utang, Profitabilitasdankebijakandeviden, ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence that the independent variables of investment opportunities, debt policy and profitability, either partially or simultaneously affect firm value. Likewise, the dividend policy variable mediates the effect of the independent variable on firm value. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a sample of 74 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2015 - 2018, using the Proposive sampling method. Then the data analysis technique was carried out by statistical tests using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the variable investment opportunities and profitability were stated to have a significant effect on firm value, while debt policy was stated to have no effect on company value. However, firm value is simultaneously influenced by all independent variables. Dividend policy is unable to mediate the relationship between investment opportunities and profitability on firm value, however, the dividend policy variable is able to mediate the relationship between debt policy and firm value. This finding is interesting, that the success of increasing firm value depends on the company's ability to maximize its resources, and in implementing established company policies, not by manager incentives and debt policies. Keywords: Company Value, Investment Opportunities, Debt Equity Ratio, Profitability and Dividend Policy} }