@thesis{thesis, author={DIANA ADIA RELLA}, title ={AKUNTABILITAS DALAM PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DESA JABON KECAMATAN JOMBANG KABUPATEN JOMBANG PADA TAHUN 2016}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.stiedewantara.ac.id/6/}, abstract={ACCOUNTABILITY IN VILLAGE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT JABON SUB DISTRICT JOMBANG DISTRICT JOMBANG IN THE YEAR 2016 ABSTRACTION By: Adia Rella Diana Supervisor: Lina Nasihatun N, SE., M.Aks The phenomenon that occurs in public sector agencies today is the revitalization of good governance (governance). One of the causes of revitalization is the demands of accountability to the public (accountability). Through increased accountability, information disclosure to the public will be wider. Where as principal, the public is entitled to know information related to the performance of public sector agencies for the evaluation and control of the management of the resources that have been mandated. Today, increased accountability is not only done by the central government and local government alone. The village government also participates in the realization of accountable government, especially on village financial management in order to avoid misappropriation of funds. The purpose of this study is to know the accountability of village financial management in terms of planning, implementation, administration, reporting and accountability. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that is describes the opinion of respondents about the management of village finances in Jabon Village then analyzed by Minister of Home Affairs Regulation no. 113 Year 2014 so that can be drawn a conclusion. The results showed that based on Permendagri No. 113 Year 2014 the outline of the financial management of Jabon Village has been accountable Keywords: Accountability, Village Financial Management} }