@thesis{thesis, author={M. Aditya Septiandra 2020.21.1586}, title ={PEMBERIAN EDUKASI KESEHATAN TENTANG PENYAKIT HIV (HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS) PADA REMAJA DI SMA KOTA JAMBI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.stikes-garudaputih.ac.id/id/eprint/143/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Latar belakang : HIV pertama kali didapatkan di Indonesia berada di Provinsi Bali pada tahun 1987. Jumlah kasus HIV di Indonesia per Juni 2022 yaitu mencapai 519.158 orang. Ada banyak faktor tingginya kasus HIV di Indonesia, salah satunya karena persoalan ini masih dipandang tabu oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Persoalan seks di luar nikah bertabrakan dengan norma masyarakat yang membuat informasi edukasi kesehatan seksual seperti penyakit menular seksual terhambat. Tujuan : Diketahuinya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan kepada remaja terhadap penyakit HIV sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang HIV. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus keperawatan dengan jumlah sampel dua responden dengan memberikan edukasi Kesehatan menggunakan leaflet. Hasil : Hasil yang diperoleh penulis membahas mengenai pendidikan Kesehatan tentang penyakit HIV agar bertambahnya pengetahuan dan informasi yang kompeten terhadap responden. Kesimpulan : Dari hal ini dapat dibuktikan bahwa responden mengerti setelah diberikan edukasi Kesehatan tentang penyakit HIV. Saran : Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana informasi pengetahuan dan dapat juga dijadikan sebagai pelajaran untuk responden yang anggota keluarganya yang belum mengetahui apa-apa tentang penyakit HIV. Kata Kunci : HIV, edukasi Kesehatan HIV, Remaja Referensi : 4 buku (2012-2020), 9 jurnal (2017-2022) ABSTRACT Background : HIV was first found in Indonesia in the Province of Bali in 1987. The number of HIV cases in Indonesia as of June 2022 reached 519,158 people. There are many factors for the high number of HIV cases in Indonesia, one of which is because this issue is still considered taboo by most Indonesian people. The issue of sex outside of marriage collides with societal norms that hinder sexual health education information such as sexually transmitted diseases. Objective : The effect of health education on adolescents on HIV disease is known and the knowledge of adolescents before and after being given health education about HIV is known Methods : This study used a descriptive method with a nursing case study design with a sample size of two respondents by providing health education using leaflets. The research was conducted at SMAS YPWI, Jambi City. Results : The results obtained by the author discuss health education about HIV disease. The discussion that has been prepared is in accordance with the stages of the nursing process which includes assessment, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, nursing implementation, and evaluation or progress notes of respondents. Conclusion : From this it can be proven that after being given health education about HIV disease to respondents who previously did not know about HIV disease, they understand Suggestion : This research is expected to be used as a means of knowledge information and can also be used as a lesson for respondents whose family members or people around them do not know anything about HIV disease. Keywords : HIV, HIV health education, teenager. References : 4 books (2012-2020), 9 journals (2017-2022)} }