@thesis{thesis, author={Afriansyah Defri}, title ={ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA PASIEN PNEUMONIA DENGAN MASALAH BERSIHAN JALAN NAPAS TIDAK EFEKTIF DI RUMAH SAKIT PANTI WALUYA SAWAHAN MALANG}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.stikespantiwaluya.ac.id/id/eprint/234/}, abstract={Alfiansyah. Defri. 2018. Nursing Care In Patients With Pneumonia Patients With Airway Clearance Is Not Effective At Panti Waluya Hospital Malang. Scientific papers. Nursing Academy Panti Waluya Malang. Supervisor (1) Sr.Felisitas A.Sri S., Misc, MAN (2) Wibowo., S.kep., Ners., M.Biomed Pneumonia is an acute lung tissue infection caused by stapylococcus bacteria that arises primary or secondary with a manifestation of persistent cough, increased sputum, shortness of breath so that a person can experience problems in cleaning the ineffective airway due to sputum blockage in the airway. The aim of the study was to carry out nursing care for adult to elderly clients who experienced Pneumonia with the problem of ineffective airway cleaning at Panti Waluya Hospital in Malang. The subjects of the study were 2 elderly clients, who experienced pneumonia with an ineffective airway clearance. When the research was conducted on 21-23 June 2018 on clients 1 and 29 June -1 July 2018 on clients 2. On the two clients the same implementation was carried out for 3 days. When evaluating on the 3rd day of treatment, the results of client 1 client were able to expel phlegm and can perform effective cough techniques properly and correctly. While client 2 said the client was no longer congested and could do an effective cough properly, effective cough is a the correct cough method, where the client saves energy and can expel phlegm maximally, facilitates the mobilization of secretions By removing phlegm, the client's airway does not experience blockage caused by secretions so that the airway is not effective. Compliance with the airway will prevent the client from being ineffective in cleaning the airway.} }