@thesis{thesis, author={NASOKHA AZALIA NAROLITA}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' SPEAKING SKILL AT SEVENTH GRADE ON SMP IT AR-RAHMAH PACITAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/1408/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Azalia Narolita Nasokha. AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS? SPEAKING SKILL AT SEVENTH GRADE ON SMPIT AR-RAHMAH PACITAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023. Thesis. English Education Study Program. STKIP PGRI Pacitan. The objectives of this study were to know the difficulties of students in speaking English in SMPIT Ar-Rahmah Pacitan, to know the teacher role in mastering speaking skill, especially in English in SMPIT Ar-Rahmah Pacitan and to know the students? ability in speaking skill based on the aspect of speaking component; pronounciation, intonation, fluency and grammar in SMPIT Ar-Rahmah Pacitan. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research method, and took place in the seventh grade on SMP IT Ar-Rahmah Pacitan in the academic year 2022/2023. The study participants consisted of 35 students in seventh grade. This research focused on students? English speaking skill and their difficulties on speaking. The data collection techniques used interviews and observations. The data collection instruments included a interview sheets/guideline and field notes. This research focused on analyzing the components of speaking, namely intonation, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. The results of this study were that students' English speaking ability was still below average and needs a lot of improvement from various sides. Besides being only in grade 7, they also just got full English. So some of them think that English is something that should not be learned, here teachers are required to be more patient and creative in teaching students. This data concluded from the score given by participants. In pronounciation 6 students got excellent, 10 students very good, 8 students good, 6 students fair and 5 students poor. Second, 5 students got excellent, 9 students got very good, 8 students got fair, last 5 students got poor in intonation. Then in fluency excellent got 5 students, very good got 7 students, good got 8 students, fair got 6 students, and last poor got 5 students. Last in grammar 5 students got excellent, 10 students got very good, 10 students got good, 5 students got fair, and 5 students got poor. Based on data above, pronounciation is higher score of students? speaking components and grammar with pronounciation are low score of students? speaking components. Then for other have similar score and not too far in different results. This components and the results accepted by students. http://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id Key Words : Speaking Skill, Teachers? Role, Students? Ability and Difficulties} }