@thesis{thesis, author={FIRDAUS JANNATUL}, title ={THE STUDY OF WRITING ERROR FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS IN STKIP PGRI PACITAN AT ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/1414/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Jannatul Firdaus. The Study of Writing Errors for the Second Semester English Education Study Program Students in STKIP PGRI Pacitan at Academic Year 2022/2023. S1-Thesis. English Education Department. STKIP PGRI Pacitan 2023. The research aimed to know the error the students make in writing narrative text and the student?s obstacles in writing narrative text. This research used a qualitative approach. The data were taken from 15 June. There were 20 respondents in this research recognized as volunteers to recognize the writing in narrative text. The data were collected by written test, questionnaire, and documentation. The steps in analyzing data consisted of 1) collecting all the students? writing text tests, 2) reading all the students? writing compositions, 3) making a list of errors, 4) classifying the student's errors, 5) and analyze the data by using the formula: P= F/N x 100%, P=Percentage, F=Frequency of errors made, N=Total of students? errors. The result of this research shows that the students make 54 errors. The most frequent error the students make in their narrative writing focused on using simple past tense is misformation, which consists of 30 or 56%, followed by omission with 17 errors or 31%. The next is addition which consists of 5 errors or 9%. And the last is misordering, with two errors or 4%. The student?s obstacles in writing narrative text showed that eight students? obstacles (40%) were grammar, two students? obstacles (10%) were finding the main idea, six students? obstacles (30%) were forming sentences, and four students obstacles (20%) were forming sentences. Generally, the most frequently occurring obstacles were found in grammar. Keywords: Error analysis, simple past tense, narrative writing text} }