@thesis{thesis, author={KURNIAWAN WAHYU}, title ={ANALISIS PENERAPAN SHORTCUT COREL DRAW DITINJAU DARI KREATIFITAS DESAIN GRAFIS SISWA XII KEAHLIAN MULTIMEDIA SMKN KEBONAGUNG}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/1438/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Wahyu Kurniawan. Analisis penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas desain grafis Siswa XII Keahlian Multimedia SMK Negeri Kebonagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeetahui : (1) penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas tinggi desain grafis Siswa XII Keahlian Multimedia SMK Negeri Kebonagung: (2) penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas rendah desain grafis Siswa XII Keahlian Multimedia SMK Negeri Kebonagung. Jenis penelitian ini dalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pelaksanaan penelotian pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa xii multimedia SMK Negeri kebonagung sejumlah 36 siswa. Metode dalam pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan metode observasi,tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk menguji kreadibilitas dengan metode triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, dan triangulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas tinggi desain grafis siswa dapat dikatakan Melihat hasil yang diberikan pada lampiran hasil yang dicapai siswa, hasilnya sangat bervariasi. Diketahui 25 siswa memperoleh nilai lebih dari 69% dari total 36, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas desain grafis sangat baik. Sebanyak 16 siswa memperoleh skor 31% dalam kategori tinggi, (2) penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kreatifitas rendah desain grafis siswa menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 15 siswa (42%) memiliki pemahaman yang tinggi terhadap penerapan shortcut corel draw, dan sebnyak 21 siswa (58%) memiliki pemahaman rendah. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman penerapan shortcut corel draw ditinjau dari kratifitas rendah desain grafis siswa xii keahlian multimedia SMK Negeri kebonagung. menunjukkan bahwa penerapan shortcut corel draw sudah sesuai dengan keadaan siswa, namun perlu bantuan pihak lain untuk membantu siswa memahami guna memperlancar Peningkatan kreatifitas desain grafis siswa. Kata Kunci: Penerapam, Shortcut coreldraw, Desain grafis. ABSTRACT Wahyu Kurniawan. Analysis of the application of the corel draw shortcut in terms of graphic design creativity of Students XII Multimedia Skills of Kebonagung State Vocational School. This study aims to find out: (1) the application of the corel draw shortcut in terms of the high creativity of graphic design of XII Multimedia Skills students of Kebonagung State Vocational School: (2) the application of the corel draw shortcut in terms of the low creativity of graphic design of XII of Multimedia Skills students of Kebonagung State Vocational School. This type of research was qualitative with a case study approach. Implementation of research in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year. The subjects of this study were 36 multimedia students of SMK Negeri Kebonagung. The method of collecting data used observation, testing and documentation. Data analysis techniques were data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The credibility test of the method were source of triangulation, technical triangulation, and time triangulation. The results of this study indicates that (1) the application of corel draw shortcut in terms of the high creativity of student graphic designs is very good. The results achieved by students given various score. It is known that 25 students scored more than 69% of the total 36. It shows that the application of the Corel Draw shortcut in terms of graphic design creativity is very good. A total of 16 students scored 31% in high category, (2) the application of the Corel Draw shortcut in terms of the low creativity of student graphic design showed that as many as 15 students (42%) had a high understanding of the application of the Corel Draw shortcut, and as many as 21 students (58 %) have low comprehension. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the level of understanding of the application of the corel draw shortcut in terms of the low creativity of graphic design students xii in multimedia skills at Kebonagung State Vocational School suitable with the student's situation. However, it needs the help of other support and facilitate to help students increase in graphic design creativity. Keywords: Implementation, Coreldraw Shortcut, Graphic Design} }