@thesis{thesis, author={PINANINGSIH PINANINGSIH}, title ={Students’ Writing Ability in Online English Learning of Twelfth Grade of MIPA 2 of SMA Negeri Tulakan in the Academic Year 2020/2021}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/445/}, abstract={The objectives of this research focused on finding students? writing ability in online English learning, students? ability to construct coherence text, and students? writing ability of following letter organization. The method used in research was a case study. The researcher used the quantitative method as the main research design and is supported by the qualitative method. The data were gathered of this study through tests. The subjects of this research were students of XII MIPA 2 at SMA Negeri Tulakan who were 20 students. This research finding showed that the mean score of students? writing ability is 70.85. Then the median of students? writing score is 66. The modus of students? writing ability is 57 and 64. The standard deviation in SMA Negeri Tulakan is 75. From the finding and data analysis, it can be concluded that there are 12 from 20 students get the score of writing under standard deviation. Then eight from twenty students get the score up to standard deviation. Most of them have difficulties in determining ideas or content, organization or coherence text, arranging language use or grammar, word choice or vocabulary, and mechanics errors including punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. There were some data or facts about students? ability to construct their coherence text. The students? ability in constructing coherence text were; loosely organized but the main ideas stand out, logical but incomplete sequencing, somewhat choppy, and limited supported. Based on the six components of the application letter, most of the students cannot write the letterhead and salutation correctly. Based on the result of the interview, the process of teaching English online learning is not going well. Both the teachers and students must be able to adapt to online learning. Another obstacle of online learning is some students don?t have a cellphone that supports the online learning media. Many students had difficulties such as internet network constraints and limited quotas of internet data. Students are also less interactive in English online learning. Keywords: Case Study, Writing, Online learning} }