@thesis{thesis, author={HIDAYATI HIDAYATI}, title ={THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STORY COMPLETION TECHNIQUE IN STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL TO THE TENTH GRADERS OF SMKN 1 PACITAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2018/2019}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/56/}, abstract={This research was intended to describe the students? speaking skill by the implementation of story completion technique and students? interest in speaking after using story completion technique to the tenth graders of SMKN 1 Pacitan in the academic year of 2018/2019. This research was based on the existences of English as an important aspect that must be mastered by students in Vocational high school and the speaking problems had identified in the tenth graders of SMKN 1 Pacitan. This research was a case study. In case study, there were three components. They were preparing, prosessing and finishing. The methods that used was qualitative data. In qualitative data, there were several ways to collect the data namely observation, interview, and documentation. The result showed that students? story completion technique was appropriate in teaching speaking skill. The students were better in speaking and looked more fun and enthusiasm during teaching learning process. It was signed by the students? speaking well in the speaking components, i.e : grammar, pronounciation, vocabulary, fluency, and self-confidence. Based on the study, it showed that the implementation of story completion technique could be an appropriate technique in teaching speaking skill and for sure made students interest in speaking. The researcher suggested that the implementation story completion technique would help students feel comfortable and fun in teaching learning process whereas it made more better in students? speaking components . Keywords : Story Completion, Speaking, Descriptive Qualitative} }