@thesis{thesis, author={WAHYONO PONCO TRI}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN ALAT BANTU LATIHAN SMASH BOLA VOLI}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.stkippacitan.ac.id/id/eprint/588/}, abstract={Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa alat bantu latihan smash bola voli. Pengembangan alat ini dapat membantu latihan smash bola voli sehingga mempermudah dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan atlet yang berposisi sebagai middle blocker, outside hitter, dan opposite hitter. Penelitian menggunakan desain pengembangan. Prosedur pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Studi Pendahuluan, (2) Menyusun Perencanaan, (3) Mengembangkan produk awal, (4) mengembangkan instrumen penelitian, (5) melakukan uji coba, (6) menyusun produk akhir. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 12 orang atlet di Klub Pajena untuk uji coba skala kecil, sedangkan untuk uji coba skala besar melibatkan 18 orang atlet sekolah bola voli STMJ VBC serta 22 orang atlet sekolah bola voli IVOBTA. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan angket kuosioner. Validasi penelitian ini menggunakan ahli materi dan ahli media. Teknik analisis data menggunakan skala Likert. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan penilaian dari ahli materi sebesar 4,65 yang masuk kategori ?Sangat Baik?. Sedangkan dari ahli media diperoleh nilai 4,3 yang masuk dalam kategori ?Sangat Baik?. Uji coba skala kecil mendapatkan penilaian 3,73 yang masuk kategori ?Baik?. Sedangkan hasil uji coba skala besar mendapatkan rerata 4,53 masuk dalam kategori ?Sangat Baik?. Kata Kunci: Alat Bantu, Smash, Bola Voli ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to produce a product in the form of a volleyball smash training tool. The development of this tool can help practice volleyball smash, so that it makes it easier and can improve the ability of athletes who play as middle broker, outside hitter, and opposite hitter. This research used development design. The development procedure was as follows: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) developing the initial product, (4) developing research instruments, (5) conducting trials, (6) compiling the final product. The subjects of this research were 12 athletes at Pajena Club for a small-scale trial, while for a large scale-trial it involved 18 athletes from the STMJ VBC volleyball school and 22 athletes from the IVOBTA volleyball school. This research used, interviews, questionnaire and observation technique. Validation of this research is conducted by material experts and media experts. Data analysis technique using Likert scale. The result of this research was received an assessment from material expert of 4,65 which entered the ?very good? category, while from the media expert obtained a score of 4,3 which was included in the ?very good? category. The small-scale trial received an assessment of 3,75 which was included in the ?good? category, while the result of large-scale trials get an average of 4,53 which was included in the ?very good? category. Keywords: Training tool, Smash, Volleyball} }