@thesis{thesis, author={Anugrah Wijaya}, title ={KEPENARIAN BUDI UTOMO DALAM TARI GUNUNG SARI PADA WAYANG TOPENG GLAGAH DOWO KABUPATEN MALANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.stkw-surabaya.ac.id/243/}, abstract={Thesis entitled "The Dance of Budi Utomo in the Gunung Sari Dance at the Glagah Dowo Puppet Mask, Malang Regency". The Gunung Sari mask dance is one of the performance numbers at the Malang mask puppet show. This dance describes the character of Gunung Sari who has the character of Lannyap or Branyak. This dance performance number is at the end of the wayang mask performance, which contains many life lessons from the puppet mask staged. The Gunung Sari dance in the Glagah Dowo style was continued by Budi Utomo, who was studied by two masters of the Glagah Dowo-style wayang mask, namely Mbah Rasimoen and Mbah Wagimoen. This study used qualitative research methods. The type of research used is ethnography which is a way to observe and interact with the subject, namely humans. This study aims to determine the dancing of Budi Utomo in the Gunung Sari dance in the Glagah Dowo wayang mask, Malang Regency. Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that the dancing style of Budi Utomo who Tregel when performing the Gunung Sari dance has the character of Mbranyak. This is taken from the habits of Budi Utomo. Budi Utomo's kinship and other supporting factors that gave rise to the style and character of the Gunung Sari dance.} }