@thesis{thesis, author={Daniel Prasetyo Sariyono}, title ={MEREKAM JEJAK REBAHAN : MENEMUKAN MAKNA MELALUI KARYA SENI}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.stkw-surabaya.ac.id/495/}, abstract={ABSTRACT This final assignment discusses the creation of works of art that highlight an event from the past, where life was trapped in a comfort zone and the habit of lying down became an addiction. Through the creation of this work, the author brings back personal experiences related to the habit of lying down. This creation started from observations of laziness and wasting time which were then interpreted in the form of works of art. The aim of this creation is to invite art lovers to reflect on the impact of excessive lying down habits and provide an understanding of the importance of managing time well. Apart from that, this creation also aims to present in-depth reflections on everyday behavior which is often considered trivial but has a significant impact on individual lives. The benefit of this creation is that it provides a new perspective on daily habits, especially lying down habits, which can affect a person's productivity and quality of life. Thus, it is hoped that this creation can increase individual awareness regarding the importance of using time more effectively and wisely. Keywords : Lying down, Laziness, Trace} }