@thesis{thesis, author={Kewin Kewin}, title ={PENERAPAN METODE HUBBART FORMULA DALAM MENETAPKAN TARIF SEWA KAMAR DI HOTEL COMFORTA DUMAI}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.stp-bandung.ac.id/145/}, abstract={This research is made for determining room rate with Hubbart Formula Method. It is due to the current room rate which is calculated with Naive Aprroach, so the hotel didn?t achieve the maximum profit that they expected. The informations that the writer got are from Hotel Comforta?s Personel Manager. After calculating room rate with Hubbart Formula Method, the difference of the room rate can clearly being seen, then hotel can analyze from the advantages and disadvantages each method. Using quantitative research method, following by the formula to calculating the room rate. Then this research is also made for proving there are differences between the room rate before and after using Hubbart Formula Method, and hopefully this research could be used for hotel?sconsideration while determining room rate. Keywords: naive approach, hubbart formula, room rate.} }