@thesis{thesis, author={Bungsuwati Aprilia}, title ={Motivation Of Main Character In Acheiveing Goal Seen in Forrest Gump Novel by Winston Groom.}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/1006/}, abstract={This study aims to analyze the motivation of expectancy in main character in the novel by Winston Groom entitled Forrest Gump. the data are taken for words, sentence, and dialogues in Forrest Gump Novel.the data are collected trought comperhensive reading on the novel. Highlighting, and classifying the words, sentence, and dialogue in the novel related to motivation, and analyzing by Victor. H. Vroom theory on motivation of expectancy. This research was conducted by library research and qualitative method. The results of this study indicate that the motivation from Forrest Gump that encourages him to achieve his expectancy, he achieved his success because of his efforts to fight for it, even though in this novel Forrest's was portrayed as a character who had mental limitations and had a low IQ 70. Finally, the research expect are eager this study could give contribution for the other researcher who are eager to know more about motivation. Moreover this study as an important branch of literary critisism is interisting to be appied especially in literary studies.} }