@thesis{thesis, author={JOVANCA EGEA}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF SELF-DISSATISFACTION OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN THE NOVEL CARRIE BY STEPHEN KING}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5285/}, abstract={An Analysis of Self Dissatisfaction of the Main Character in the Novel ?Carrie? by Stephen King Egea Jovanca 18111123 Self-dissatisfaction is a complaint of low confidence that is endemic in adolescence, and this feeling of angst may continue for a prolonged time, resulting in a defeating or destructive behavior (Hurlock). This study aims to find the main character?s self-dissatisfaction.The writer employs Hurlock?s theory to analyze the main character?s self-dissatisfaction. Hurlock (1974) lays out ten main causes of self-dissatisfaction, which are: unrealistic expectations, environmental obstacles, unfavorable social attitudes, personal limitations, severe emotional strain, repeated failures, identification with maladjusted people, inability to get a proper selfperspective, poor childhood training, and lack of motivation. Ultimately, after finding the causes of self-dissatisfaction in Carrie, the writer can deduce the manifestation of self-dissatisfaction as described in Carrie?s personality through evidences from her dialogue, behavior, or inner monologues. This research is important to be carried out as the occurrence of self-dissatisfaction is common among people, especially teenager. The portrayal of Carrie?s low self-esteem and false interpretation of stigma from her mother may also occur in people in real life, therefore it is realistic. The writer applies qualitative method to support the research. Novel is the main object for this research, which is word-oriented. Therefore, the writer applies qualitative approach as the most suitable method in designing the research. Within the criteria found in the novel, the researcher finds a correlation between one criterion and another. This relationship helps to construct the bigger picture of this analysis which is to find out the characteristics of self-dissatisfaction found within the main character in the novel.} }