@thesis{thesis, author={SARI MELINDA DWI KARTIKA}, title ={EXPOSING OBSESSIVE LOVE DISORDER IN THE MAIN CHARACTER PAULINE WHITTIER IN EVERYTHING EVERYTHING NOVEL}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5292/}, abstract={Obsessive Love Disorder without us knowing we can find in our social environment. Symptoms of a person who has an obsession love disorder can be seen from the characteristics of stalking, resentment, and extreme jealousy. This study aims to find out the Obsessive Love Disorder contained in the Pauline Whittier as the character. It also aims to find the causes and effects of the Obsessive Love Disorder contained in the character of Pauline Whittier. This study uses a psychological approach from Atar Semi, the theory of Obsessive Love Disorder from Forward and Buck. Theory Obsessive Love Disorder is used to determine the symptoms and causes and the effects of the Obsessive Love Disorder experienced by Pauline Whittier. The results revealed that there were 3 symptoms which are stalking, resentment, extreme jealousy found in the novel. It was also revealed that there were effects of the Obsessive Love Disorder which are Isolating from other healthier relationship, Triggers stress and anxiety, have no self respect found that could be resolved.} }