@thesis{thesis, author={FIKRI GILANG ZAIDAN}, title ={ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS BY CAL NEWPORT IN TED TALKS SPEECH: QUIT SOCIAL MEDIA}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5309/}, abstract={Speech is part of communication that is performed by a speaker in front of the audience to share message, influence the audience, and express feeling. The speech entitled Quit Social Media was chosen as it was performed by a bestselling American author and was a popular that has views more than nine millions on TED Talks YouTube channel. Moreover, illocutionary acts is a theory that explains the purpose in the speakers utterance. Therefore, this study applied illocutionary acts theory by Searle (1979) to discuss illocutionary acts types and how they function. The data was a transcription of Cal Newport utterance in TED Talks entitled Quit Social Media which have been arranged into five types of illocutionary acts. Meanwhile, the data source was TED Talks YouTube channel, entitled Quit Social Media. Furthermore, this study used a qualitative method to interpret the data in the form of words. This study resulted 4 types of illocutionary acts, such as 14 assertive, 4 directive, 1 commissive, and 2 expressive. The functions of assertive mainly an explanation of Cal Newports belief toward the essential life without social media, social media as unimportant product, the negative effect of social media, and so on. Meanwhile, the directive functioned to give advices and hopes the hearers could quit social media. Furthermore, the commissive functioned to give offer the hearers some feedback to his speech. Moreover, the expressive was used to express feeling of happiness experiences of living without social media, and feeling of worry toward young generation who were addicted to social media. On the other hand, declarative was not found as Cal Newport did not perform any declaration utterance.} }