@thesis{thesis, author={PRATIWI KARINA DWI}, title ={Excavation Racial Discrimination in Alabama Though The Character in Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5317/}, abstract={The United States has a dark history of racial conflict between white people and black people for at least three centuries. This is because black people often become victims of discriminatory acts of white people. It is difficult for white people in the United States to assimilate black people, due to the early arrival of black people to the United States only as slave workers, so that a mindset of black people as second-class citizens is formed which becomes an attitude in social stratification in the United States. This study applied a sociological approach and theory from Swingewood to represent the problems that occur in the memoir Just Mercy (2014). This study applies qualitative data research methods. The data used for this study was taken from narratives and quotations and the source of the data came from the memoir Just Mercy (2014). The results reveal that the conflict occurred because of racial discrimination problems that occurred in the city of Alabama. Stevenson, an ordinary civilian and a lawyer who is concerned about the many cases of discrimination, tries to help African Americans who are struggling because of this racial discrimination by opening a free legal institution to fight for the rights of African Americans, Stevenson's struggle in fighting for the rights of Africans America in the city of Alabama is not easy because it also gets discrimination wherever it is.} }