@thesis{thesis, author={MINANDA NABILLAH ZAHRA}, title ={FEMINISM PERSPECTIVE IN UNDERSTANDING PATRIARCHAL IDEOLOGY AS SEEN IN THE PASSION OF NEW EVE}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5320/}, abstract={The idea of patriarchal ideology is that men have more power, authority, and control than women. This study aims to reveals the patriarchal ideology of the characters in The Passion Of New Eve. While the figures that were used as research objects consisted of the female characters in this novel are the main object of this research. This research is essential because it aims to show the struggle of women in literary works in relation to the issue of patriarchy. Meanwhile, this research applied a qualitative descriptive method. The data source for this research was taken from the novel The Passion Of New Eve by Angela Carter, while the research data was some significant expressions in the forms of words, narration, and paragraphs taken from the novel. This study uses walby's theory with focus on the patriarchy that faced by the female characters in the novel. The result of the analysis reveal that the women characters faced some forms of patriarchal. Thus, there are three forms of patriarchal, patriarchy in sexuality, violence and household production in this novel. This study reveals the prevalence of violence against women within the novel. Male characters exert power over women through physical, emotional, and sexual violence, resulting in the subjugation and loss of autonomy for the female characters.} }