@thesis{thesis, author={BISRI KHANIF AZIZUL}, title ={AN ARCHETYPAL ANALYSIS OF THE SHADOW OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN THE SILENT PATIENT NOVEL BY ALEX MICHAELIDES}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5367/}, abstract={This study aims to analyze an archetypal analysis of the shadow of the main character in The Silent Patient Novel by Alex Michaelides. This research is focused on the main character?s personality on archetype of the shadow and the writer want to analyze using Carl Jung?s theory. On the other hand, this research explains the shadow of characteristics Alicia Berenson on The Silent Patient novel by Alex Michaelides. Based on the research the writer analyze through the study of the elements of the story in the novel using the method telling and showing the phenomenon of archetype of the shadow, the main character Alicia Berenson is the main character on the novel The Silent Patient. The data source for this research is novel The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. The Silent Patient was published in New York on February 2019 by Macmillan publisher. This research used qualitative method, qualitative research is the progress of collecting the data, analyzing and interpreting the data such us reading and understanding the meaning of language. The writer uses the qualitative approach aims to describe the archetype of shadow theory by Carl Jung, especially on the main characters Alicia Berenson described on Alex Michaelides?s novel The Silent Patient. The conclusion of this research, the writer finding the characteristics of shadow archetypes in Alicia Berenson as the main characters. From this analysis Alicia?s character used shadow archetypes to explaining the problem of tis research, there are several characteristics such as Social Anxiety, Limiting Beliefs, Anger, Problem Associating with People and Neuroticism. Then, from this characteristic more specifics to bad experience because after the tragedies she always silences and becomes individuation person. The writer analyzes the novel The Silent Patient causing problems in personal or interpersonal relationship that represented on Alicia Berenson. The rejection from Alicia?s doesn?t want to talk and given?s explanation becomes mystery because have a mental problem and always overshadowed by guild.} }