@thesis{thesis, author={DEA KANIA}, title ={ANALYZING THE QUEST PLOT IN LEIGH BARDUGO’S SIX OF CROWS (2015)}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5371/}, abstract={This study examines the novel Six of Crows (2015) by Leigh Bardugo. This novel examines how a dangerous, life-threatening journey will be undertaken by Kaz Brekker and his team, namely Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Matthias and Nina, to achieve their main goal, namely kidnapping important scientists for money. This research focuses on the analysis of the quest plot elements based on the theory of "7 basic of plots" by Christopher Booker and uses structuralism approach based on the theory of Stanton (1965). This research applies qualitative research methods to present data analysis. As a result, the research data is in the form of narrative and dialogue from the novel Six of Crows which describes relevant research plot elements, namely the quest plot. The purpose of this study is to describe the elements of the quest plot contained in the Six of Crows novel, which describes the journey of the protagonist and the team who are very challenging to achieve their main goal. Booker (2004) explains there are five elements that occur in the quest plot, namely the call, the journey, arrival and frustration, the final ordeals, and the goal.} }