@thesis{thesis, author={SURYONO ELIHU JEMAL}, title ={A Polysemy Analysis of Katy Perry's Song Lyrics in The Album "Teenage Dream"}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5382/}, abstract={This study focuses on a polysemy analysis of Katy Perry?s song lyrics. To do the analysis, this study occupies semantics. Accordingly, the objectives of this study are to figure out and describe the regular polysemy and irregular polysemy found in the lyrics of Katy Perry?s songs. Figuring out the detail polysemy, this study employs the qualitative descriptive method. Furthermore, to get the required data, this study uses library research. The data is in the form of words selected from the lyrics. However, to figure out the polysemy, this study still brings complete sentences from the words taken. To analyze the data, this study used the theory of polysemy by Apresjan (1974). The result shows that there are two types of polysemy that are found in this study, which are regular polysemy and irregular polysemy. There are 16 data in regular polysemy. The words and phrases are Makeup, Valentine, Baby, Shots, Fourth of July, etc. Meanwhile, there are 22 data found in irregular polysemy. The words and phrases are Funny, Walls, Die, Perfect Road, etc. Both types can be revealed based on the context of the stories inside the songs. At last, the present writer hopes that this research will be of use to individuals and readers, particularly to researchers who will do research on the same topic as this research using other theories to make polysemy more thorough and useful. Keywords: katy perry, polysemy, song lyrics, teenage dream} }