@thesis{thesis, author={DEVINA BELLA}, title ={POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION AS PORTRAYED BY THE MAIN CHARACTER OF “ALL SHE EVER WANTED” NOVEL BY ROSALIND NOONAN}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5388/}, abstract={All She Ever Wanted is a novel written by Rosalind Noonan. The main character of this novel is Chelsea Maynard, who is going through emotions roller coasters as a new mother. During her desperation, she was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression which can be triggered by a combination of physical, emotional, and social factors. The purpose of this study is to show the portrayal of Postpartum Depression (PPD) that is suffered by Chelsea Maynard. This study was conducted by utilizing descriptive qualitative methodology. The use of this methodology is to provide a detailed and rich description or understanding of a particular phenomenon or topic. ?Teetering On The Edge? is a PPD theory by Cheryl Tatano Beck is being utilized to show the portrayal of PPD according to four stages namely: Encountering terror, Dying of self, Struggling to survive, and Regaining Control. The result of this study shows the conditions that Chelsea Maynard portrayed by the dialogue and narration fits the stages in the theory. From the moment she realizes that she is suffer because of her baby and found out she is having postpartum depression, how she is seeking for help because she wants to recover, then she is going through medications and fights herself to be recovered, till the day that she accepts her baby and all the dark visions is fading away. Chelsea experienced all stages of PPD according to the theory.} }