@thesis{thesis, author={ISTIQOMAH -}, title ={Production Of English Consonant Cluster by Indonesian EFL Learners}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5393/}, abstract={This study investigates how English Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Indonesia pronounce English Consonant Clusters. There are several points that must be mastered by the learners when they learn English such as writing, listening, reading and speaking. From those points, speaking is one of essential point since language is used to communicate by speaking. In learning English as second language, there are several mispronounciations made by the learners when they speak especially when they face consonant clusters since they have different phonological system and they do not know how to pronounce them correctly. It makes them having mispronounciations and it can lead the misperception, misunderstanding and miscommunication among the speakers and the listeners. English Consonant Cluster theory by Hasan (2019) as the conceptual framework was used in this study. This study used descriptive qualitative methods to describe and explain the data. The subjects in this study were eight students from University in Lampung. All of them were studying English language in the first year. The writer collected the data by using 3 steps adopted by Renaldi, Stefani, and Gulo (2016). In analyzing the data, the writer used interpreting stage, analyzing stage and concluding stage adopted from Merriam (2009). The result revealed that there were eight types of incorrect consonant clusters that the writer asked to the participants such as [?r], [?r], [sk], [br], [spl], [skr,] [skw], and [ksp]. Among those types of consonant clusters, there were three types of consonant clusters pronounced incorrectly by the participants such as [?r], [?r], and [sk]. Then, the five types of consonant clusters such as [br], [spl], [skr,] [skw], and [ksp]. However, several of them tried to challenge themselves to pronounce English word correctly even they faced some difficulties in every word by forcing their pronounciation so that they could switch the word into easier version of phonemes. Although they changed those words to the easier version, it would impact how the misunderstanding occured since the sound produced was different. The writer concluded that it would be better for students to understand phonetics and phonology as the basic foundation to develop their speaking ability} }