@thesis{thesis, author={Wahyudin Achmad Yudi}, title ={IMPROVING STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT USING SURVEY, QUESTION, READ, RECITE, REVIEW (SQ3R) METHOD AT THE TENTH GRADE OF SMAN 1 ADILUWIH PRINGSEWU}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5424/}, abstract={This thesis discusses the SQ3R method in improving students' reading on descriptive texts at SMA 1 Adiluwih. This study aims to determine the impact of using the SQ3R method to assist students in making it easier to find answers to English questions, especially descriptive texts. This method uses a quantitative method with quasi experimental design. The instrument used for this study was a test s of reading comprehension implemented for experimental class (32 sudents) and control class (32 students). In this study the researchers found that, (1) the SQ3R method was able to influence students in improving their reading comprehension in descriptive texts, (2) students were able to distinguish aspects contained in reading using the SQ3R method. Whereas in applying the SQ3R method the researcher found that the 5 component aspects of reading comprehension had different improvements from the two classes. The biggest increase in the pre-test of both classes was in the aspect of making inference before giving treatment. Whereas in the post-test the increase occurred in the aspect of identifying supporting detail after giving treatment to both classes. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of the SQ3R method is able to have a positive influence on students in improving reading comprehension in the component aspects of reading comprehension. Keywords : SQ3R Method, Descriptive Text} }