@thesis{thesis, author={Ramadhan Hibatullah Rizki}, title ={IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) FOR TENTH GRADE AT SMAN 2 KOTABUMI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/5427/}, abstract={Speaking skills are one of the things that are difficult to apply and do by some students, therefore teachers are required to be able to find their own ways or special ways to overcome students' problems when learning English speaking skills in the classroom so that it is not boring and can improve students' speaking skills in the classroom. For this reason, teachers must find solutions and creative ways in teaching English to help students master English speaking skills properly and correctly, one of which is by using the Communicative Language Teaching method. This research uses a Quantitative approach by using Pre-Experimental one group pretest-post design, and also using Questionnaire in finding students motivation data. Therefore, the researcher has determined Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as an approach in delivering the material. This language teaching method emphasizes the concept of interaction both in the process and the purpose of the learning process, where students play a more active role than the teacher. According to Richards (2006: 14), one of the goals of CLT is to improve fluency and accuracy, so teachers who use it should use a balance of activities to develop fluency and accuracy. This study aims to determine the improvement of students' speaking mastery after learning using the CLT method in the classroom. The participants of this study were 36 students of SMAN 2 Kotabumi. The data were collected through Pre Test and Post Test, and Questionnaire to determine students' motivation in English Learning. The result of this study is that the use of CLT Method to improve students' speaking ability is effective and increases students' motivation in learning in class, because in CLT Method students are more confident to convey ideas and criticism to think and in accordance with the characteristics of children as learners.} }