@thesis{thesis, author={Masruroh Rahmi}, title ={BIPOLAR DISORDER AS DESCRIBED IN HALDOL AND HYACINTHS : A BIPOLAR LIFE BY MELODY MOEZZI}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/984/}, abstract={The purpose of this research is to find the symptoms and types of bipolar disorder in Melody?s character seen in a novel entitled Haldol And Hyacinths : A Bipolar Life by Melody Moezzi. The theory applied by the writer in this research is Bipolar disorder theory from Living with Bipolar Disorder book. This theory contains four types of bipolar and three symptoms of bipolar disorder. For types of bipolar they are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia, Bipolar NOS (not otherwise speci?ed) and for bipolar symptoms they are mania, hypomania and depression. To answer the research question structurally, the writer arranged the literature review by discussing about the theory and approach. Psychology of literature was applied to answer the research question. In conducting this research, the writer used qualitative method to depict clearly about the research finding. The data for this research are dialogues and narratives about the emotion of Melody?s character. As the conclusion, the novel Haldol And Hyacinths : A Bipolar Life describes about mania and depression for the symptoms and bipolar I for the type. Mania symptoms are euphoric and expansive (more talkative, risk taking, decreased need for sleep, abnormal irritability). Depression symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, and pessimism change in appetite, suicide idea or suicide attempt, poor concentration and low energy.} }