@thesis{thesis, author={Limbong Zumarni Septania}, title ={The Effect Of Using Poster On The Student Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.uinsu.ac.id/9812/}, abstract={This research aimed to find out the effect of using poster on students? achievement in writing descriptive text. The population of this research was 205 students consist of 5 classes. The sample was the first grade of senior high school X TKJ 2 and X TKJ 3 at SMKS TI Muhammadiyah 11 Sibuluan, Tapanuli Tengah. The methodology of this research is quantitative by using experimental and control group. After giving pre-test and post-test, the result showed that the mean from experimental group was 57,89 (pre-test) and 86,51 (post-test). For the control group was 56,53 (pre-test) and 69,07 (post-test). The data of test showed normal and homogeneous. In the hypothesis testing, the researcher used t-test and it showed t.count (34,86) > t.table (1,67) which Ha accepted and Hi rejected. Therefore, the use of Poster affected students writing achievement in writing descriptive text.} }