@thesis{thesis, author={Hawana Hawana}, title ={Monitoring dan supervisi pengawas dalam meningkatkan kinerja kepala sekolah di SDN No.014727 Perupuk kecamatan Lima Puluh kabupaten Batu Bara}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.uinsu.ac.id/9888/}, abstract={The problem in this study is the monitoring and supervision of supervisors in improving the performance of elementary school principal at SDN No. 014727 Perupuk in Lima Puluh District, Batu Bara Regency. This study aims to describe the monitoring and supervision of supervisors in improving the performance of elementary school principal at SDN No. 014727 Perupuk, Lima Puluh District, Batu Bara Regency which is carried out by the supervisors of Lima Puluh District, Batu Bara Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection uses interview, observation and document study techniques. To guarantee the validity of data on the findings and authenticity of the research refers to the use of data validity standards consisting of creadiability, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The general finding in this study is the objective condition of SDN No. 014727 Perupuk Lima Puluh District, Batu Bara Regency. Specific findings are: 1). monitoring and supervision of supervisors in improving the performance of school principal at SDN No. 014727 Perupuk, Lima Puluh Subdistrict, Batu Bara Regency, conducted by supervisors who visited the school to find out the ability of the elementary school principal in conducting teaching and learning activities in a conducive atmosphere. This activity also aims to look at the principal's weaknesses and weaknesses in implementing school management and then to find the solutions in order to solve the problem. 2) Supervision of supervisors in improving the performance of elementary school principals at SDN No. 014727 Perupuk Lima Puluh Subdistrict, Batu Bara Regency is done by supervisors by carrying out academic supervision and managerial supervision.} }