@thesis{thesis, author={Gustiawan Fajar}, title ={Uji Dosis Pupuk Guano Dan Pupuk NPK 16:16:16 Terhadap Pertumbuhan Serta Produksi Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L.)}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10292/}, abstract={This research has been carried out in the Experimental Garden Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University, Jalan Kaharuddin Nasution KM. 11, No. 113 Perhentian Marpoyan, Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City. The study was conducted 5 months from March to July 2019. The objectives of this study are as follows: To determine the effect of interactions and the main administration of Guano and NPK 16:16:16 fertilizers on the growth and production of cayenne pepper plants. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two factors. The first factor is Guano Fertilizer Dose which consists of 4 levels of treatment and the second factor is NPK Fertilizer 16:16:16 consisting of 4 levels of treatment so that 16 treatment combinations are obtained. Each treatment combination consisted of 3 replications to 48 treatment plots, each treatment consisted of 4 plants 2 of which were sampled so that all plants amounted to 192 plants. Data were statistically analyzed and BNJ tested at a level of 5% on the observed parameters. Based on the results of research that has been done it can be concluded that: The interaction of giving guano fertilizer and NPK 16:16:16 fertilizer is real on the weight of fruit per plant and the number of fruits per plant. The best treatment was 750 guano fertilizer / plant and NPK 16:16:16 11.25 g / plant (G3N3). The main effect of the real dose of guano fertilizer on all parameters observed with the best treatment is the dose of guano fertilizer 750 g / plant (G3). The main effect of 16:16:16 NPK dose significantly on all parameters observed with the best treatment is NPK 16:16:16 11.25 g / plant (N3).} }