@thesis{thesis, author={Ardi Maulana}, title ={Pengaruh Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Akhlak Peserta Didik Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10293/}, abstract={This research was motivated by student?s moral problem at Islamic Junior High School Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru. The symptoms could be seen from student?s indiscipline such as came late to school, they dressed uniform unwell, messy hair,using un conditional uniform and school stationery, lack of manner to teachers, speak foul language, pointing with left hand, truant in school hours, and so on. The formulation of problem in this research refers to was there any influence of character education on student?s moral at Islamic Junior High School Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru. The purpose in this research was to know the influence of character education on student?s moral at Islamic Junior High School Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru. This research population took 105 students, all classes in grade VII at MTs Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru. The sample in this research used slovin formulation where sample taken from 5% of population. Total sample was 83 students. Research finding could be explained: there was significant influence of character education on student?s moral with significancy score 0,005. It meant that the score less than 0,05 and the hypothesis was accepted. Character education variable gave positive influence on student?s moral at MTs Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru. The score of R Square was ,678 or 67,8%. It was classified in strong relationship between character education on student?s moral. The other aspects classified as other factors.} }