@thesis{thesis, author={Afriyani Estu}, title ={Pengaruh Brand Personality Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Merek Ayam “geprek Bensu” pada Konsumen Di Kota Pekanbaru (studi Kasus Geprek Bensu Jalan Arifin Ahmad)}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10306/}, abstract={This research aims to find out how brand peronality affects consumer loyalty. Based on the variables that have been studied, this research method uses descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. The population of this study is consumers of Geprek Bensu in Pekanbaru city. The sample withdrawal technique used is a purposive technique with kritera consumers who have made repeated purchases onGeprek Bensu products, samples taken in the number of 50 people. The data used in this study is primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques through the dissemination of questionnaires, interviews, observations, surveys and documentation. Hypothetical testing was conducted using Coefficient Pathestimation with SmartPLS 3 computer software.Thus, the results showed that Brand personality has a positive influence on consumer loyalty which in the competencedimension that includes about consumer confidence contributes the most value.} }