@thesis{thesis, author={Chedeng Suraiya}, title ={Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Dengan Nilai Keislaman Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Islam YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10314/}, abstract={Character education to children was an important point to be given for them. Character education could be developed by teacher with the implementation of character education with Islamic value. The formulation of this research; the implementation of character education with Islamic value to 5-6 years old children at Islamic kindergarten YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru. This research used qualitative method that involved some teachers at Islamic kindergarten YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru where: 1 headmaster and 4 class B teachers. This research finding was collected by some ways: observation, interview and documentation. This research finding showed that the implementation of character education with Islamic value at Islamic kindergarten YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru had been given the values as followed: 1). Character value in relationship with Allah. 2). Character value in relationship with themselves. 3). Character value in relationship with human being. 4). Character value in relationship with environment. 5). Character value in relationship with national value. Thus, these values had been given to them by teacher started in their early entry to school. Islamic kindergarten YLPI Marpoyan Pekanbaru had showed that the values arisen from children and used to in their daily life.} }