@thesis{thesis, author={Putry Monica}, title ={Pengaruh Kepemilikan Bank, Tingkat Bagi Hasil dan Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Deposito Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10322/}, abstract={The research objective was to determine the effect of bank ownership, profit sharing rates and financing to deposit ratio (FDR) on the growth of deposits in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. This research was conducted with descriptive and quantitative methods using primary data and secondary data obtained through documentation methods in the form of financial reports on the companies under study. The sample in this study were 7 Islamic Commercial Banks with a purposive sampling method. From the research, it is known that the results of the t test conducted from the three variables can be concluded from the three variables that affect the growth of deposits, namely bank ownership, profit sharing rates and financing to deposit ratio (FDR).} }