@thesis{thesis, author={Sugiartini Sugiartini}, title ={Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Dalam Buku Khotbah Jumat Karya Achmad Sunarto}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10341/}, abstract={Analysis of Language Errors in the Friday Sermon Book by Achmad Sunarto The author chooses language error analysis because every written work that has been read, especially the sermon book by Achmad Sunarto, still has language errors. The language errors contained in each book are very important to note. Each word has its own meaning and meaning, if the writing of each word has an error it will have a different meaning or meaning. Therefore, to find out language errors in the Friday Sermon Book, Setyawati uses the theory of language errors in the book so that she can find out language errors. The problems of this research are: (1) How are language errors at the morphological level including the omission of affixes in Achmad Sunarto's Friday Sermon Book, (2) How are language errors at the morphological level including sounds that should be melted not melted in Achmad Sunarto's Friday Sermon Book, (3) How do language errors at the morphological level include sound decay that should not be melted in Achmad Sunarto's Friday Sermon Book, (4) How do language errors at the morphological level include the use of inappropriate affixes in Achmad Sunarto's Friday Sermon Book. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and interpret language errors in Achmad Sunarto's Friday Sermon Book. The data source of this research is the Friday sermon by Achmad Sunarto. The method that the author uses in this research is the method of content analysis and the approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The technique used in this research is documentation technique and hermeneutic technique. The results of the study concluded that there were 25 language errors, namely: the omission of affixes contained 18 data, the sound that should have melted was not melted, there were 6 data, the yield of the sound that should not have melted there was 1 data, and the use of affixes was not appropriate. So it can be concluded that the Analysis of Language Errors in the Friday Sermon Book by Achmad Sunarto contains language errors at the morphological level and is dominated by language errors of omitting affixes.} }