@thesis{thesis, author={Hasanah Nurul}, title ={Konstruksi Penilaian Menulis Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Tingkat SMP Negeri Se-Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10346/}, abstract={Construction of Writing Assessment in Indonesian Language Learning at the Junior High School Level in Marpoyan Damai District. This study entitled "Construction of Writing Assessment in Indonesian Language Learning at the Junior High School Level in Marpoyan Damai District", This study will discuss the assessment carried out by teachers in schools regarding writing assessments at the junior highschool level on descriptive text and news text materials. The formulation of the problem in this research is how is the construction of writing assessment in learning Indonesian at the State Junior High School level in the Marpoyan Damai sub-district? The purpose of the study was to construct a writing assessment in Indonesian language learning at the public junior high school level in the Marpoyan Damai sub-district. The research method is phenomenology. The research approach is qualitative. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses phenomenological techniques or steps including: 1) Familiarizing Yourself with the data, 2)Generating intial codes, 3) Searching for themes, 4) reviewing themes, 5) defining and naming themes,and 6). Reporting the themes in the study. Writing assessment contruction. The results of the assessment construction research on writing descriptive text material based on the content aspect of the idea seen from according to the topic, understanding the text and ideas. Aspects of the organization of the content is assessed according to the structure of the text. The grammatical aspect is assessed from linguistic rules and linguistic characteristics. The vocabulary aspect is assessed from the choice of words/diction, easy to understand, effective, does not repeat words, and spelling. Spelling and punctuation aspects were assessed from the use of capital letters, the use of punctuation marks, and spelling. While the news text on the aspect of the content of the idea is assessed from the keywords 5w + 1 h (adiksimba). Aspects of content organization are rated from 5w+1h and inverted pyramid. Grammatical aspects are assessed from using official language, conjunctions and coherence. The vocabulary aspect is assessed from spelling, does not repeat words or sentences, and is short, concise, and clear. Spelling and punctuation aspects are assessed from punctuation and use of capital letters. The conclusion of this study is that the construction of writing assessment on descriptive text material contains 14 sub-themes. Meanwhile, the construction of writing assessments in news texts contains 9 sub-themes.} }