@thesis{thesis, author={Hafiz M.}, title ={Kelulushidupan Dan Pertumbuhan Larva Ikan Baung (Hemibagrus Nemurus) Yang Dipelihara Dengan Padat Tebar Berbeda Pada Sistem Resirkulasi}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10354/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of different stocking densities on the recirculation system on survival and growth of baung fish larvae. fish larvae used at the beginning of the study with an average weight and length of 0.02 gr and 0.70 cm were maintained in 15-liter plastic jars of 15 units. Larvae used in total numbered 1500 tails, fish kept for 21 days and fed (Tubifex sp) adlibitum. The study design uses a randomized block design method (RBD) with 5 treatments 3 replications, namely: (P1: stocking 10 head / L, P2: stocking 15 head / L, P3: stocking 20 head / L, P4: stocking 25 tail / L and P5: 30 tail / L. The results of the study were the number of larval fish larvae maintained for the best 21 days in the treatment of 10 tailed solids P1 with 94%, for the best absolute weight growth in the treatment of 10 stocked solids / L stocked 0.33 gr, daily growth rate the highest yield was obtained in treatment P1 of 14.61% while absolute length growth obtained results of 2.07 cm with the density of tail / L (P1). eywords: stocking density, survival rate, growth, fish larvae. 1). Student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University 2). Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University} }