@thesis{thesis, author={Permadi Riono}, title ={Pemberian Pupuk POC Dengan Dosis Berbeda Yang Difermentasi Terhadap Kelimpahan Chlorella sp}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10359/}, abstract={This research aims to know the effect of giving Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) with different doses that fermented to abundance Chlorella sp. The method used is the experimental method uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatment and 3 replications namely (P1) the application of fermented liquid organic fertilizer with a dose of 1.5 cc / L, (P2) administration fermented liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 2.0 cc / L, (P3) application of fermented liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 2.5 cc / L, (P4) fermentation liquid organic fertilizer with a dose of 3.0 cc / L, (P5) Fermented liquid organic fertilizer with a dose of 3.5 c c / L. The results of the study obtained the results abundance C hlorella the highest sp is in the treatment (P3) of 13,150,000 cell / ml, then (P2) of 11,450,000 cell / ml, (P1) equal to 10,433,333 cells / ml, (P4) of 9,650,000 cell / ml and lowest in treatment (P5) i.e. 8,116,667 cell / ml. Biomass Chlorella highest sp in treatment (P3) of 0.50 gr / L and lowest in treatment (P5) of 0.14 gr / L. Results Water quality measurements such as temperature 27 - 30 ° C, pH 6 - 8 and N, P, K are equal to 1,076 mg / L , 0.541 mg / L and 0.556 mg / L.} }