@thesis{thesis, author={Sijabat Maraden}, title ={Undercover Buy Dalam Mengungkap Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Oleh Pihak Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten Pelalawan}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10362/}, abstract={Clearly, the Narcotics Law gives authority to both the BNN and the Police to carry out investigations and examinations of the prevention of narcotics crime. Article 75 letter j, as stated above, states that the techniques used by investigators are undercover buy and controlled delivery. Based on the above background, the problems that will be answered in writing this thesis include, first, the Role and the Undercover Buy Method in Exposing Narcotics Abuse by the National Narcotics Agency of Pelalawan Regency, Constraints in Implementing Undercover Buying and Efforts In overcoming the Obstacles in the Implementation of the Undercover Buy Method by the National Narcotics Agency of Pelalawan Regency. This type of research is sociological or observational research by means of survey, namely research that takes data directly from the population by means of collecting data, namely interviews, after which the data is collected and processed so that conclusions can be obtained using the deductive method. Meanwhile, when viewed from its nature, this research is descriptive, namely research that explains in clear and detailed sentences. Die rol- en onderkoopmetode deur BNNK Pelalawan, naamlik die uitvoering van geheime aankooptegnieke deur gebruik te maak van spesiale ondersoektegnieke vir die bekendmaking van verdowingsmiddels en psigotropiese misdade. Beperkings in die implementering van die Undercover Buy-metode om die misdaad van dwelmmiddelmisbruik te ontdek deur die National Narcotics Agency of Pelalawan Regency, sluit in: Interne beperkings en eksterne beperkings. Interne beperkings sluit in: Aantal personeellede, onvoldoende aantal toerusting wat benodig word om die Undercover Buy-metode te implementeer. Terwyl eksterne struikelblokke die volgende insluit: die verkryging van informante / spioenasie, die bepaling van die ligging van geheime aankope en die ondersoek na terreur- en verdowingsnetwerke met behulp van myntegnieke. Pogings om die beperkinge by die implementering van die geheime aankoopmetode te oorkom, insluitend die toevoeging van BNNK Pelalawan-personeel, addisionele bedryfsfondse, die maksimum beskikbare toerusting, alle komponente van die samelewing uit te nooi om konkrete stappe te neem, vanuit hul onderskeie omgewings, Optimaliseer die rol van informante hier, naamlik deur inligting in te samel gebruik van informante (spioene) en om geheime aankope te doen met koeriers of verdagtes wat gevang is} }